Hope all is well and our thoughts go out to all of you who are being impacted by the incredible heat and numerous forest fires that are happening in both Canada and the U.S
Hope all is well and you have had a great summer. I know for some of you it has been a summer of natural disasters both with forest fires and flooding and my thoughts go out to you. For us here at the lodge it was a summer with only a couple of days of light smoke and no forest fires close by.
It’s hard to believe that summer is half over already although it’s not getting dark here yet but it won’t be long now. Our summer has been better than most to the south and no forest fire in the area which makes for a summer of no smoke. Some of the birds like the robins and swallows have already gone south and yesterday we could see fresh snow on the Sainte Elias Range. It’s too early for that!
Our summer is here is already starting to winding down already with some refreshing cooler nights, but we haven’t had a frost yet and it doesn’t look like there is one in the forecast for some time to come.
Hope all is well and you are enjoying the summer, I hear that for many it has been unseasonably (cool and wet) and for others almost to warm. Here at the lodge June started out cool and wet and now it is almost too hot.
Hi everyone, hope all is well and you are enjoying the summer. It is great to be back at the lodge for another summer, great fishing, seeing the old guest and meeting the new ones.