Hope everyone is well and getting ready for spring.

For many of us in the north it has been an old fashion winter, maybe we just got soft with the last two winters being pretty easy. I know from watching the weather station at Snag Yukon, which is the closest place to the lodge, it was -60 one morning without the wind. I guess it would be your turn to fill up the wood stove and you had better hope that you had lots of wood cut. With the long cold spell that we had and all of the snow, it has made it one of the harder winters in a long time for trapping, but with the days getting longer and the season almost over my thoughts are turning towards the upcoming fishing season.

I know it's here somewhere.

Days like this make it all worthwhile.

Even though we didn't have to many guests until August it was probably one of the best big fish seasons that we have had with many fish over 40 lbs. These were caught both trolling and jigging using various colors of spoons and jigs. Along with the great fishing the weather was also great with very little rain and clear blue skies and only a couple of day of hazy skies for forest fire smoke from a long ways a way. Towards the end of the season, we were also treated to a few nights of the northern lights ( aurora borealis ) which for many of the guests it is the first time that they have seen them. It doesn't matter how many times you see them they are always different and constantly changing. Usually, a lime green in color and sometimes you get treated to every color in the rainbow.

Check out the colors on this one. 

Not bad on a fly.

It will soon be time to get seeds and to start plants for the green houses as there is nothing better than something right out of the garden. A fresh tomato and bacon sandwich or a garden salad. I'm always trying something different, and it is surprising what you can grow so far up north with the 24 hrs. of daylight. Everything has lots of growing time as long as an early frost doesn't get us which has happened a couple of times in the past. Along with the gardens it's always a nice treat to go out back and pick a few of the wild berries that grow around the lodge like blue berries, cloud berries and cranberries.

Should be able to get enough for a salad.

This will make a great pie.

Every time I write one of these emails, I end up thinking about the shore lunches and how great the fish tastes when it is so fresh right out of the lake and into the frying pan. And yes, there is always all of the other fixings along with the desert. The only complaint that we get, is that you ate too much and more than one of the guests just has to spread out on the beach for a snooze afterwards. You don't always have to be fishing to have a great time.

Almost ready 

With not having too many guests the last couple of years because of Covid it has given us time to get caught on many of the chores and improvements that have been put off for far too long. When you own a fishing lodge there is never an end to the things that you want to do or need to do. The great thing for me is that it is always fun and never seems like work and with new guests coming every week and seeing their excitement it just doesn't get any better. Sometimes we take too much for granted but when we have a guest come for the first time and I see the excitement in their eyes, we realize just how lucky we are.

With June and early July being the best time for flyfishing and anytime is great for spin casting and trolling, there is always something for every fisher person. Even if you want to take a break from fishing, hop in a kayak, canoe or even a paddle board the time is yours. In the evenings there is always a campfire going on the deck where you can reminisce about the day you just had. There always lots of laughs and stories to tell and yes fishers are the most truthful people that I know, I have never heard a lie from any of them. Ya right.

Ok, grab that fly, I dare you.

What the heck!

For those of you thinking about a fishing trip for this year, we do still have some room although the weeks are filling up or already full. For those of you who are the serious fisher we have it all and those of you who many like to take a break there is lots to do as well. It is your holiday , come a go as you please. We don't have the big crowds, access only by float plane, being the only ones on the lake and our nearest neighbor close to 100 miles away. I can’t think of a place safer based on everything that is going on in the world today.

This could be you arriving 

From Brian and the staff at Kluane Wilderness Lodge, come and join us for a great summer and many more to come!