Hi everyone, hope all of you are well and enjoying the summer.
Great news for all of the American’s and other international travelers as the borders to Canada are opening on August 9th for anyone who has had both of their shots. For those of you who are booked for next year, you could come this year and enjoy all the fall colours, fresh air and a chance to see the northern lights.

Hey Mom who are those guys?

Ok, move on, these fish are mine.
For those of you in the west with the incredible heat wave, lack of rain, forest fires and smoky skies, I hope that things improve quickly. I have been talking to friends at home and hearing just how bad it is and it makes me glad that I’m up here in the Yukon. We have had only 2 forest fires around us this summer, but they were a distance from the lodge and posed no threat. Our temperatures have been very comfortable, averaging in the mid 20’s with mostly clear blue skies and only a couple of days of smoke.
Turn left… turn left.
Looks like a big one to me.
Our green houses and gardens are going crazy and we will probably have to start flying some of the stuff out to friends in Whitehorse. The corn and the beans are to the roof, peas are as tall as me and the squash and zucchini are taking over. Nothing tastes better than eating something right out of the garden and for the first time we have strawberries. The wild blueberries are also ready for the piking along with the cloud berries and the raspberries should be ready shortly.
Need a bigger green house.
Old boats put to rest, I hope that doesn’t happen to old fisherman
We have been out fishing in the evening for lake trout, mostly trolling and jigging with great success. Watching the screen when trolling and then when we see a bunch of fish on the bottom stop and start jigging. It takes a while to get the feel of what you are doing but once you catch on it is a great way to fish especially when you both get hooked up. Quite often when you are bringing up your fish there will be others following it up as well and if the other person is ready, they can get hooked up tool. There are not many places that I know of were you can say that a fish is turning the boat when you are bringing them in. Most of the fish have been averaging 10 to 15 lbs and into the high 20’s. For some reason the big ones always get away
We have been using mostly spoons and jigs of all colours fishing 40 to 60 feet of water. There are still lots of hatches happening with the big sedges starting and crane flies. With the weeds now getting taller, the big pike have moved in using the weeds as cover waiting for the cisco to go swimming by. Makes for some great flyfishing with streamers and top water flies on a fast retrieve.
Lots of wildlife has been spotted around the lake this year from moose, black bears, eagles and the swans are starting to show up again. Last night we were treated to seeing a cow moose with her calf how could have cared less about us as they laid down in front of us for a rest.
Can’t you see I’m eating.
Not you guys again.
With more guests coming and the opening of the borders we will be open to the middle of September, so if you are looking for a holiday and get away this year, its not to late. It’s a great time of the year with all of the fall colours, ducks and geese migrating south, swans coming into the lake to rest on their way south, cool nights, a chance to see the northern lights and yes the great fall fishing.

Nobody else fishing for at least 100 miles, just doesn’t get any better than that.
Until next time, enjoy the summer and take a kid fishing, it could be the highlight of your summer and theirs!
From Brian and the stay at Kluane Wilderness Lodge.