Hi everyone.
Hope all is well and you have had a great summer. I know for some of you it has been a summer of natural disasters both with forest fires and flooding and my thoughts go out to you. For us here at the lodge it was a summer with only a couple of days of light smoke and no forest fires close by.
We were at the lodge longer than usual as we had a drilling crew staying there until the end of September. They are drilling for gold and I have told them they can’t have my pot of gold, Wellesley Lake
It was a beautiful time of the year with all the fall colours showing up, and all the birds passing overhead with their fall migration heading south. It was starting to get cold with temperatures down to -7 and one night the water pipes in the last cabin froze up, going thing it was the last night.. Cranberries were ready for the picking, most of the other berries were already finished, along with everything that we grew in the green houses. I was able to bring carrots and potatoes home, everything always seems to taste better when you grow it yourself. Now to do something with all of the pears and plumes on the trees here at home.
We took some boat rides down along the shoals, searching for lake trout spawning in the gravel. When you see those really big ones you can’t help but wonder, "Where are you hiding in the summertime?"

Come on, slow down, how do you expect me to see anything.

Sorry guys but the girls just keep doing it.
With some of our boat rides around the lake the other day we saw cow moose with calves and a couple of bulls. We also saw hundreds of swans and way to many ducks to count, and of course, the mountains blanketed in their fall colours, with the distant mountains all covered in new snow.

Lots of nights and a couple of early mornings we were treated to an incredible displays of the northern lights right overhead of the lodge and down the lake. The best pictures that I have been able to take is with my cell phone. Who would have ever thought.

Why go to bed when this is happening. Every time they are different, guess you just have to be here.
On our long drive home, I’m always thinking of everything that needs to be done and sometimes I think it would be nice just to stay there for the winter. But then again, there is all the time and fun to have with the grandkids and other things to do.
For any of you who are thinking of a fishing trip for next year or even a chance to see the northern lights, now is the time to start planning as some of the weeks are already sold out, with guests coming all the way from Australia! They are always a bit of work as you can’t understand what they are saying but with a few English lessons it all works out great 
For all of you who came this year, thank you. It was a lot of fun; many laughs were had, and yes, a couple of pranks were pulled! These trips aren’t always about the great fishing, it is also about the many laughs, great friends, making new ones and being in the true wilderness.

Until next time, have a great fall, enjoy the rest of the year, and take a kid fishing.
From Brian and the staff at Kluane Wilderness Lodge
Tags: forest fires, flooding, fishing