Hi everyone.
Hope all is well and you are enjoying your summer. For us it has been a busy start to the season. We flew into the lodge on June 1st and the first guests arrived on the 6th. We had a full house for the month of June with guests from as far away as Australia. With numerous father and son groups, as well as one grandpa, father and son group so far, it’s always great to see Dad and Grandpa’s bringing their young ones, making great memories that will last a lifetime. We have also had a number of women coming with their husbands, hopefully the guys don’t get out-fished too badly (smile).
We have had a number of lighting storms this year and two big forest fires that we can see from the lodge. The Yukon Fire Service has been great. They came in and set the lodge up with fire hoses and sprinklers, just in case we need them. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, but it is always better to be prepared. We have had some rain which has helped reduce the fire hazard for now.
Not a great way to start the season with forest fires like these.
Gardens are all planted and growing like crazy with the 24 hours of sunlight. We already have had some strawberries and rhubarb and it shouldn’t be long before the zucchini is ready.
Won’t be long until things are ready
More wildlife has been seen already than last year with black bears, a grizzly sow and two cubs, moose, and there still are several swans on the lake that never went all the way North. Ducks are starting to show up with their ducklings. There is a number of eagle nests that don’t have any chicks in them; not sure what is with that but I guess they never made the winter as they almost always return to the same nests.

Great Fly Fishing
The fishermen have caught many whitefish this year on spoons which is unusual for us. Usually they can only be taken on flies. Some large pike over 40 inches have already been caught, both on flies and spoons, fishing in the shallow waters. For the fly-fishermen they have been having great success site fishing along the numerous shoals for all three species. The caddis and damsels are just starting to emerge which is going to make for some great dry fly-fishing. There have already been some large hatches of chironomids making for great fishing using strike indicators, with the odd one disappearing because a pike eat it.

Guys rule

Sorry but mine is bigger, girls rule (smile)
For anyone thinking of a trip this year we still have room in July and August. In August you will have great chance to see the northern lights as it will finally be getting dark enough, along with the fall colours. Not sure why I’m thinking of that as summer has just started, oh well always looking ahead.

This could be you stopping by for a visit (smile)
Until next time, have a great summer and don’t forget to take a kid fishing, it will make their summer and probably yours too.
From Brian and the Staff at Kluane Wilderness Lodge
Tags: summer at kluane, kluane lodge fishing