Hi everyone
Hope all well and you are getting through these trying times. It has been a while since our last report many because of the ever changing circumstances both in the Yukon and around the world. I have had to submit a plan for covid in order to open this year and it has now been approved but for Canadians only as the boarders are not open for international travel at this time, sorry to all of you who are not Canadians. It does come with conditions of course, we couldn’t be that lucky. You must have had a shot, have to fly to Whitehorse with no overnight stays along the way, we are limited to the number of people that can have at the lodge at one time, if at all possible fly back home the same day you come out of the lodge and no wondering around in Whitehorse. We will be working with everyone who is planning a trip to Kluane this year to make their travel as easy as possible.

Oh sure it takes 2 of you to hold it.

Come on, is this going to take long.
It will be great to get back to the lodge in a few weeks and get everything going for those who are able to make it this year. The fish will be in the shallows when we get there making for some great flyfishing with dry flies and sight fishing. There’s not many places around where you can do this kind of fishing for Lake Trout. As conditions improve and if there is a chance of the international boarder opening, we will be ready and I will send out an email to everyone. We could stay open to the end of September if it works out. The fall is always a great time to visit with all the fall colours and the chance to see the northern lights.

Crystal clear water.

Get ready.
With almost all of my spring chores finished around the house and yard, its time to start filling the list of things need for the summer at the lodge. Plants are already started here at home to go into the greenhouses when we get to the lodge and hopefully they don’t freeze along the way as has happened a couple of times in the past. The guests always enjoy going out to the garden and green houses to see what we can grow and picking something right of off the plant. It doesn’t get any fresher than that.
With all of the inquires that we have been getting, people want to get out and travel to places that are safe without the big crowds. To date the Yukon has only had 82 cases of Covid, making it one of the safest places that I can think of. Those who are not Canadians are booking for next year with June almost sold out and if things do open up for this year they change their dates to this year which is not a problem.
I can’t wait for the first shore lunch and hopefully you will be able to join us and yes, you have to catch the fish.

This could be you arriving
Until next time, take a kid fishing. Talk to you soon, Brian and the staff at Kluane Wilderness Lodge.