Hi everyone,
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the summer. It is great to be back at the lodge for another great season, spending time with old friends, meeting new guests and of course the fishing!

The drive up this year was uneventful, not like last year with all the fresh snow on the highway. I did not see too much wildlife on the drive up from home, except for porcupines, which seemed to be around every turn on the road.
Ice still on one of the many lakes on the way in.
One of my many buddies on the way up North.

It still works, if you can believe it, but the water sure was cold! Everything was good at the lodge and it was just a matter of getting everything ready for all the guests.
I had to go for a swim in the lake where we fly in all of our supplies, as I was bending over the side of the dock to check it out, my cell phone fell in, seeing as my buddy Rob wasn’t volunteering to go in to get it, I had to.

So far we have had guests from Canada, USA, England and Australia. It was an unusual cold start to the season with the first group not having the greatest of weather but it has turned around now and we had a high of 33 Celsius the other day. The water temperature has also warmed up from 46 Fahrenheit to 63 in less than a week. This is the time of the year also of 24 hours of daylight, which for some it is hard to get used to. We have even had a couple of groups that fished around the clock already, and I am sure that there will be more before the season is over.
We are having incredible fly fishing along the numerous shoals for both the lake trout and lake white fish, using both dry fly patterns, emergers and leech patterns. There have been hatches of Chironomids, May flies and the Caddis are starting to hatch out also. There is nothing more rewarding to having a lake trout take a dry fly right in front of you on the surface in shallow water. You can do this either from a boat or by wading along the shoals from the lodge, which some have been doing. Using sinking lines has also been very productive and the trout are usually larger using this method at this time of the year.
The gear fishermen have also been doing great using bright colored spoons mainly in the 10 to 15 foot range...


...both trolling and casting for the pike and trout. Trout averaging 8 to 15lbs and a number of pike over 40 inches already.
The biggest trout so far, right around 40lbs using a jig in the deeper water. Sorry guys but it is a lady leading the way. Her expression says it all.

Some of the wildlife spotted so far around the lake have been moose, black bears, lynx and there is still a number of swans on the lake which is unusual for this time of the year. There is a pair nesting on one of the ponds behind the lodge. The green houses are all planted and it should not be too long before we can start to have fresh vegetables, nothing tastes better than something right out of the garden.
For anyone still thinking about a fishing trip for this year, we still have some openings in July and August and do not forget to take a kid fishing, it could be the highlight of your summer. Until next time, enjoy your summer.
Brian and the staff at Kluane Wilderness Lodge